Erki's adventures in Germany

To practice English i will write my blog in English language.


First i will start off with a sad news and a reason why i don't have lots of pictures from the first weeks of being here. I made photos of this wonderful time being here with a gopro camera. Which makes awesome quality pictures but what i don't have anymore is my gopro because it got stolen from my coat's inner pocket. I had already made lots of photos with that but now they are lost. So from now-on i will make photos with my phone and hope to capture good times of me being here in Germany.

So my start to Germany became from near Tallinn a city called Saue. When i made it to Tallinn airport i already saw a familliar face and it was our own car mechanic Martin. We exchanged few words and then sat down to wait for others from our group. Safety control and everything else that was in airport went smoothly and soon we were sitting on the airplane waiting for our flight. Because i have flown before i didn't have anxiety about flying and i could just enjoy the flight.

When we made it to Berlin first we went with a bus to the railway station and then we were off to city called Uelzen. There were waiting us 3 German teachers, 2 joiner teachers Tanja and Peter and one car mechanic teacher Bastian. First we went to eat together and get acquainted with one another. When we got our papers all done, eaten and chatted, then we were off to our hostels. When me and Tanja made it to my hostel, i realised the old lady who was the owner didn't speak a word in English. We spoke to one another with Tanja being the translator between us and we got the main stuff figured out. When i said everything is ok, then Tanja went home and i went to my room. I looked quickly over the room and went to sleep.

A picture from my first breakfast. Every other breakfast is usually similar.

The next days we were in uelzen vocational school. First we were in a class with German first year joiner students who ofcourse were all so warm welcoming us to their class. But because the lesson was in german we decided to go to the schools workshop and start from there.
From there we had to build a nice outdoor bench. First we draw quick sketches so we would have a image before our eyes what we were going to build. We were in the workshop with the german students and  the teachers gave a assignment to the 3 students who were  the class brightest minds to duplicate our bench. So till the end of the week we were all together working on our benches and at friday the benches were finished.
our whole joiner group from Estonia including teachers Aita and Kalle.

Little bench in progress.


Through out the week we made plans with the students to go out together in the end of the week to get to know each other better. And what to you know, Germans aren't only polite but they are funny and humorous too. We had a blast with them and i made awesome and special new friendships. 


Monday 12th of march was my first work day at a German woodworking company called Tischlerei Schoop. It is located in little city called Binnenbüttel and i live in the same city aswell. The workdays start at 7.30 so a little earlier than in Estonia. It's a small company with 8 workers in total and it has a nice atmosphere because everyone knows one another and they all welcomed me but again they speak a very little English here but nevertheless we can communicate quite good, if nothing works then google translate always comes to help. 

When i am on the subject of language then i'll write what bruno said to me in the first week. He said: you will problably speak German in the end of the internship the best because everyone around you speaks so little English compared to him and other Estonian students. And with that said, i am the only one here who's got no choice but to learn the language because i have to communicate somehow with everyone around me and i can honestly say that i already start understanding what people want to say to me but speaking back to them in German is still complicated for me.

I met other workers and my boss talked a little what i would be doing there and then he paired me up with another worker we went to do our first project together. So what i have done this week is usually install doors to apartments and homes with another worker called Andrei. The clients are always so polite and one time we got a cup of tea and coffe brought to us by the owner and that shows exactly how nice the people really are here. 


Week 3 started for me very good, i was happy and motivated to go to work. First project for the week was near Lüneburg. We were installing a terrace door and a window in client's house. 
The project for terrace

Next days we were near Binnenbüttel where i live and work. We were taking out an old floor because the water pipes that were under the floor had broken. The water damaged the floor and the insulation so we took everything out. Sadly i wasn't there when they replaced the floor with a new one because i was on an another project. So i don't have pictures for the new floor but you'll see what the floor looked before and after we took it out. 

For saturday we went to citys called Lübeck and Travemünde. We did some sight seeing and shopping in Lübeck and then went went to Travemünde which was a 30 minute drive from Lübeck. In Travemünde there was a beautiful beach where i spend a wonderful time. We went through a market aswell and i bought some amazing cheese from there. And let me tell you something, that cheese was one of the greatest cheese i have ever had. 
Travemünde's beach

A ship that was parked at Travemünde's port.


Week four started for me near Uelzen in an amazing horse farm. We were there total 2 and a half days. We replaced 12 windows and one balcony door there. It was always nice working there because the owners were always so nice to us and helped us out whenever we needed something from them. The windows and the balcony door were all in the second floor and the windows were quite heavy so it took a little bit of time and lots of muscle work to get all of the windows up the stairs. At that project we were 4 people together so two of the guys started to disinstall the old windows and me with the other guy started carrying all the windows upstairs. Finally when all the windows and the door were on the second floor we started to disinstall other windows too. 

The view outside was so beautiful in that horse farm and the wheater was amazing too when we were there so i have couple of photos to show you about the surroundings from the horse farm. 

our work busses.

For the next project we were in Lüneburg installing 4 doors in an apartment. One of the doors was for kitchen so it had a big glass in the middle so it would be see-through door. 

For the 2 days we were there we had a very diffrent wheater each day. One day it was sunny and a warm summer wheater and the next day it was a snowy and cold winter wheater. I will put the pictures here for the comparison. 
Just 24 hours apart.


The last week started for me on tuesday because monday was off because of the Easter holidays. So the first project for this week was to install one huge window frame which had a door and window in it. 

For the last project for me in that company we had to replace couple of windows and one terrace door in a client's house. The client spoke English quite good and was very polite and for our breakfast break he made us cup of coffe and tea. Again showing me the capability of German hospitality, it was my 5th week but i was still surprised by the generosity of the German people. 

Thursday and friday i was back at school, where this journey began, and helped finish the benches for German students. 

In the last week for my free time i did some physical activity aswell and went bouldering/inside mountain climbing. I had an amazing time with the best people at bouldering. The activity itself is quite exhausting, but it is as fun as it is exhausting so i had very good time there. I had done bouldering before only once or twice in my life in Estonia so it was very awesome and challenging for me to complete the climbing tasks what where there. 

And for the last evening in Germany i was beside a little campfire and just enjoyed the best company i ever had there. Absolutely the best relaxing time after 5 weeks of internship in Germany. 

We took one last group photo in Berlin's airport so we could send off the good times in Germany with a good group photo. 

After that we headed for the plane and that's where this story ends. 
View from the sky
Ps: When one story ends, another begins...
